In the wake of Wednesday this week I'd like to get back on track and share some story plot bunny. 

Recently, I've visited several blogs where they discussed using 'smell' within their stories. 

There was even one discussion between, scent - smell - odor, and which word was appropriate. ;)

I have to be honest. I've never given this particular plot issue much thought. The way I see it, if the scene calls for a character to notice a smell, then it must be a natural progression to the plot.

Over think it or debate which term to use? I don't think so. 

You see, although writing stories has aspects of being 'a job,' I'm in it for the joy that comes from creating magical worlds of entertainment and offering them through Amazon.

I've always been an avid reader (thanks mom) and my dad was a great storyteller. Those two elements of reader and genetic storyteller blended together and I became a writer. ;)

Yes, I've used scents many times within the boundaries of my stories, but it's usually because the odor can carry readers into the depths of those magical worlds I love creating.

From Concentric Circles:

  The chamber Shayla landed in was large, lit by four torches burning in cauldron styled sconces. A low smoldering fire, in a black hearth across from her, emitted the scent of incense and gave an aura of insidious mustiness. The smell filled her sinuses with the urge to sneeze.

If I recall correctly, I was a bit peeved with Shayla's character muse that day so I sent Shayla on a wild and very windy ride. It was a blast. vbg 

During the writing I didn't stop to think over the process. Instead, the story spun from a wild wind ride, landed in a den of wicked danger, and then propelled Shayla back to safety upon a powerful moment of magical insight.


Even during the hours of editing and rewrites the plot concept of smell didn't enter into the changes. I truly believe it's because the moment blended in seamlessly. 

The above example isn't the only time I've used scent within story lines. 

Joe Konrath, a really cool indie author, says "A successful writer is one who can defend every single word in their story. Because the ones they can't defend should get cut."

I tend to agree with Mr. Konrath about defending the words we use in our stories, but I hope that newbie authors out there in cyber space don't think they have to defend or explain using the natural five senses within their stories. There are already so many aspects authors fret over now days. 

Let's please not forget the JOY of Writing. When joy surrounds us during the writing process, then the story comes together with a synergy that will entice readers. They will feel it and enjoy reading our creative offerings.

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If You Missed these Plot Bunny Tracks:

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Amazon Kindle: Concentric Circles (Shayla's story)
Claire: the Lost Fae ~ Available Now

Wyndy: in a Heartbeat ~ Short Story [here] 

Peace & Love be with you always.
Aithne Jarretta
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